Under DS3, renewable energy producers are required to monitor and provide comprehensive reporting on their power production to EirGrid or SONI. The report must provide detailed figures in a number of areas which are explained below. Due to the fluctuations associated with renewable production financial incentives are offered to those who can prove their compliance, balance these fluctuations and meet the demand on the grid.

Under the arrangements of DS3 you may use or install metering equipment and monitoring equipment to prove compliance with your obligations to provide the relevant DS3 system services.
We can supply, install and commission this equipment and ensure you meet your reporting requirements. Our hardware and software is completely customisable and can be configured to suit your facilities needs and gather the data required specifically for DS3 reporting. The software can automatically produce reports for you and can issue them directly to EirGrid if you require.
Under the DS3 Agreement, EirGrid and SONI request that all renewable energy producers report on the activity at their facilities under the categories listed in this table. Within each of these categories there is a specified range that your facility must fall between in order to meet its requirements. Throughout DS3 documentation and reporting these categories are referred to by their abbreviations.

Concept of Project
We work to conduct a thorough assessment of the project from the outset. With us you can rest assured the project will be delivered on time, on budget and to the required specification. What we do:
- Preliminary harmonic analysis study
- Technical due diligence (electrical)
- Harmonic injection and mitigation design
- NC5 applications
- Peer review of power system studies
Grid Compliance Implementation
We specialise in ensuring wind farms/renewable generation are grid compliant.
We conduct grid compliance studies using the industry recognised software packages. We do this by:
- RoCoF studies
- Load flow and reactive power curves
- Fault ride through studies
- Frequency response and dynamic analysis
- System modeling and data capture
- Harmonic studies of network and generation technologies
- P28 voltage dip and flicker studies
Design Challenges
The unique skill set of our chartered engineers ensures we can carry out all specialist electrical engineering studies to address even the most complex design challenges.
Our specialist studies include:
- Electrical distribution system modeling
- Fault level studies
- Earthing grid design studies
- Protection and coordination
- Insulation coordination
- Lightning protection
- Surge arrestor specification
- Harmonic filter design and specification
- Transformer inrush studies and mitigation design
Solution Implementation
Once the design is complete, we can assist you in supplying solutions to ensure your installation is technically compliant.
What we supply:
- Harmonic Filters
- Pre-Insertion resistors
- Active and Passive Solutions
- Point on Wave switching systems
- Asynchronous breaking technologies
- Preparation of design documentation
- Pre-Commissioning
- Commissioning
- Troubleshooting
- Maintenance