"The design of this electrical system was complicated by the fact that these large scale wind turbines were being connected to industrial sites that contained mission critical processes, where interruption to the electrical supply could result in huge financial losses."

George Mokl
Engineering Manager & Director

Renewable Wind Energy Connections - Cork Lower Harbour Energy Group

Three large industrial sites and one large third party site shared a common supply from ESB networks. We engaged with all four sites to resolve the critical issues affecting reliability.

Project Details


Cork Harbour Energy Group



Premium Power Role:

Grid Connection Consultants

Project Description

We were engaged by the four sites sharing the common supply to address and resolve the critical issues that could affect electrical system reliability and any adverse consequences of adding the wind turbines to the network.

This involved modeling the complete electrical networks at four sites and all utility connections between these. One of the sites also appointed us to carry out detailed electrical design. The issues that needed to be addressed included:

  • Network and Grid connection design to comply with utility requirements
  • Operating Philosophy (functional design), load flow, protection coordination and synchronisation details
  • Implications for the integration of standby generation plant
  • Compliance with Embedded Generation Interface Protection (EGIP) requirements
  • Investigation of transient voltage disturbance and harmonic issues that might arise
  • The design of solutions to address all of the risks identified
Project Challenges

Three of these large industrial sites plus one large third party site shared a common supply from ESB networks. The design of the electrical system was complicated by the fact that these large scale wind turbines were being connected to industrial sites that contained mission critical processes, where interruption to the electrical supply could result in huge financial losses.

Project Outcomes

We completed the NC5 applications, harmonic resonance and transient stability studies and load flow and short circuit analysis for the site. We presented a preliminary design for the provision of harmonic and transformer inrush mitigation. We also provided comprehensive power quality monitoring and alarming system, controls for turbine power management, generator testing and emergency procedures. A detailed design, supply, and commission of pre-insertion resistor (transformer inrush mitigation) was also provided.


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