Premium Power held its first roadshow of 2018 in the UK Northeast at Middlesbrough football stadium in mid January. The capacity event saw delegates brave heavy snow to attend the half day seminar ‘Electrical Safety, Arc Flash and PPE’.

Premium Power speakers presented a wide agenda of arc flash centered electrical safety information, from legal duties and standards, managing arc flash as part of electrical programme and electrical risk assessments to  arc flash mitigation, maintenance, reliability and safety and arc rated PPE.

Case studies of real practicable examples were presented, which interested the audience of engineering and plant managers, health and safety officers and SHE specialists. The various presentations prompted lively debate and discussion with delegates.

UK Northeast

The next Electrical Safety, Arc Flash and PPE seminar is scheduled to take place in April 2018 with full event details being released shortly. If you are interested in attending or would like to receive further information, email and keep an eye on

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